LS11 BP203: Our demo lineup for Thursday
Karsten Lehmann 31 January 2011 17:05:13
As a preview for our session on Thursday about Leveraging the New Java APIs in IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.1/8.5.2, here is a list of all the demos that we are about to show.Yes, there will also be slides with content, we don't fill the whole 60 minutes with demos :o). But the purpose of this session is to give you an impression of what can be done using the available APIs.
See you on Thursday, 11:15am in room DL S. Hemisphere III !
Using the UI API from Eclipse: accessing UI document
- Context menu extension for mail form, graphical name picker and inserting boilerplates into emails
Using the UI API from Eclipse: accessing UI view
Flexible report generator to process selected view entries
- Produce report by execution formula or JavaScript on selection
- Compose document in a configurable database with result placed in richtext field
Reacting on selection changes
Universal context-based online help system for the sidebar
- Displays the help topic for the current field/form/view/xpage that has focus
- Uses browser container to display help content as html
- Clickable actions that interact with the current UI element (fill in fields etc.)
LotusScript2Eclipse bridge
- Register context menu action for fields anf forms from LotusScript
- Multithreaded LotusScript application:
- Execute LotusScript code in background, display progress as Eclipse progress dialog and display result in the UI
XPages2Eclipse bridge
- Implemented as XPages Extensibility API plugin, available as DDE control pallette entry
- Create a new mail from an XPages application with predefined fields
- Visualize long-running SSJS tasks as Eclipse Jobs
- Execute dynamic LotusScript with Notes UI access from SSJS
- Create perspectives and viewparts from SSJS
Domino Designer extensibility API
- Custom properties for Notes design elements
- Automatic design element modification
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